Why it's Dangerous to Buy Fake Sex Dolls

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Did you know that the global market for realistic sex dolls grows by 20 - 30% every year? This means that the number of dolls purchased doubles every 3-4 years.

This is simply an insane growth, comparable perhaps only to the boom in computers and phones at the beginning of our century. And what always accompanies such growth? Counterfeits. Just as the market was flooded with various "Aple and Nokea" in the early 2000s, now for every doll from a well-known brand, there are SEVERAL counterfeits. Some of them are almost indistinguishable from the original, while others are plainly dangerous to use because they are so cheap.

Why you shouldn't buy either, is detailed in this article.

What is a Fake Sex Doll and how do they appear?

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As the name suggests, it's a counterfeit of a well-known brand. And to understand how it "comes to life", let's put ourselves in the shoes of the owners of an underground sex doll factory. You see that the sex doll market is on the rise and you really want to make money off it.

The normal path to creating your own brand involves the following long, expensive, and very complex stages:

  • Market research. You need to understand exactly what buyers want. This is very difficult and very expensive.
  • Creating your own line of bodies, faces, and images. This is even more expensive and longer than market research.
  • Creating a production line. Even though technically creating a doll of any brand is more or less the same, to fine-tune all processes on your own dolls will require several trial batches. Just imagine the costs.
  • And when you've done all this, you can relax because the main work is done, right? Not at all. Now the most difficult part begins. And the most expensive. Introducing your unknown dolls with absolutely unrecognizable images to the market. To understand how difficult this is, just keep in mind that a doll costs on average as much as a new iPhone. And now imagine how much you need to spend on marketing for someone to buy your doll? A lot, a lot.

And here you are, the factory owner, scratching your head and thinking what to do. And you come to an unfair, but logical conclusion: you need to sell what is already in demand. You need to copy a well-known brand.

These dolls are already selling well, their images are recognizable, and there's so much content for sales with them that your marketing expenses will be zero.

But to make sure they buy them exactly from you, and not from the original store, you need to make them much cheaper. Twice as cheap as the original. And from here we begin the story of why you shouldn't buy them. And why they are often truly dangerous to health.

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It will be made from cheap materials

A large part of the cost of a sex doll, as well as the guarantee of its quality, is the cost of materials. The higher the quality of the material, the more expensive it is.

But as we remember, to compete with the original dolls, it's important for the counterfeit manufacturer to make the doll as cheaply as possible while also making a profit. Therefore, such a doll will be made from the cheapest TPE or silicone.

This leads to:

  • Such a doll will be unpleasant to the touch. You won't get the emotions that a realistic sex doll should evoke.
  • A doll made from cheap materials simply looks worse. Such TPE is of an unrealistic color; it's either matte or, on the contrary, too glossy.
  • This doll will quickly become unusable. Even high-quality TPE is demanding in terms of care. But with cheap TPE, it's much worse. No amount of talc, mineral oil, and impeccable adherence to care instructions will help. After just a month of use, the doll will start to crack.
  • And most importantly, cheap material is dangerous to your health. This needs to be explained in detail.

Why is a cheap doll dangerous to health?

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As we've already written, underground manufacturers use the cheapest materials. And we're not just talking about TPE itself. The composition of any certified doll includes many other important components. If you've read our article on the differences between TPE and silicone, you might have noticed how often we talk about the porosity of these materials.

The body of a sex doll, you could say, "breathes." The material absorbs the surrounding environment. Logically, this should mean that bacteria and mold spores could easily proliferate inside it. But why doesn't this happen?

Because deodorants, antifungal, and antibiotic agents are added to the material of the doll. Therefore, a quality doll is almost like a living organism; it even has its own immunity. And it's this immunity that allows the doll to be used without fear of an allergic reaction or even disease.

Can you guess what counterfeit factories use?

Correct - nothing! As a result, if the doll does reach the client without getting contaminated along the way, it will turn into a little Chernobyl within a week.

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It will only remotely resemble what you saw in the picture

A large part of the cost of the doll goes towards paying sculptors and artists. Counterfeit factories literally churn out models - they cast them in molds, then with minimal post-processing "slap on" makeup and send them off in a box.

Often, such a doll will only remotely resemble what you saw on the seller's website.

You won't get the emotions you could have gotten with an original sex doll. Instead of a well-crafted face, what comes to you will demonstrate the uncanny valley effect.

Instead of a realistic body with detailed feet and hands, you'll get a life-sized Barbie made of almost plastic with completely smooth surfaces.

And then there's the smell... The smell of cheap TPE and the oil seeping out of it of unknown origin is unmistakable.

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If you're buying an iPhone, you expect to get all the functionality and quality of an iPhone

Yes, a counterfeit doll may look like the original. But that's only on the outside (and even then, in the best case). Inside, it will be much worse.

Official, major brands are constantly competing with each other in all the details of the doll, especially in such important aspects as the texture of the love orifices. Even in the line of inexpensive TPE models of good brands, the vagina is a reconstruction of a vagina.

Often, the texture is taken from real female models. This is what guarantees unparalleled sensations and the very realism that realistic sex dolls should provide.

You can guess how counterfeit factories operate, right? Yes, the orifices of their dolls are essentially a masturbator. And the cheapest kind at that.

You won't find there a G-spot, labia, or clitoris. You will essentially get a "hole with bumps." Yes, it can be used. But with the same success, you could use a pair of sponges and a glove (those who know, know).

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Where are such dolls sold, and how to identify them?

Avoiding the fate of buying a counterfeit doll is not difficult, but you need to keep some rules in mind. And to make it convenient for you to learn and remember everything, we've prepared a separate, extensive guide, follow the link.

In conclusion

Whether to buy such dolls or not is your choice. If you are satisfied with such "quality," and it will bring you pleasure, then we can only welcome your decision. We're not dissuading or scaring anyone; we just want to protect those who, by buying counterfeits, expect to get the original's level.

Love yourself and enjoy only quality dolls Your Leeloo

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