Purchase Guarantee
Only Authentic Brands without Middlemen
In our pursuit of providing the highest-quality sex dolls, we collaborate exclusively with official factories. We take great care in selecting brands for our catalogue and personally inspect their models by ordering samples to our office. We share our first-hand impressions on our social media and in our blog. We also value your input and welcome suggestions for future brands to explore. While our catalogue may be smaller compared to some competitors, this deliberate approach allows us to guarantee the best prices and maintain strict control over production quality.
Purchase with Confidence through Authentic Visuals
Ensuring your expectations are met
We acknowledge that the use of professional studio lighting, photo editing techniques, and high-end cameras can create a misleading image of products. Unfortunately, many manufacturers tend to overdo it when capturing content featuring their dolls. As a result, the real-life appearance of the dolls may deviate from what you see in the catalogue, potentially leading to disappointment. To combat this issue, we offer non-studio content for nearly every model. These photos, captured either by us or our partners at our office or the factory, provide a more realistic representation. When placing an order, we prioritise the use of these non-studio visuals, ensuring you have a clear understanding of what to expect.
Comprehensive Technical Specifications for Each Doll
Eliminating any potential issues
To ensure a seamless production process, we work closely with our customers to create detailed Technical Specifications for each doll. These specifications encompass all relevant aspects, including external parameters, enhancements, and additional accessories. By maintaining a meticulous record of these specifications, we minimise the risk of any inaccuracies during production. This meticulous approach aims to alleviate any concerns and preserve your peace of mind throughout the purchasing journey.
Stringent Quality Control Measures Caring for your doll and your peace of mind
At our facility, we implement a thorough two-step quality control process:
- Immediately after production
- Prior to packaging
The doll is checked for all parameters:
- Compliance of the final finished model with the Technical Specification
- Functionality of joints and connections
- Absence of defects on the doll's surface
- Presence of all specified enhancements in the Technical Specification
- Presence of all ordered accessories (wigs, eyes, clothing sets, etc.)
Before shipping the doll, we send you detailed photos and videos so that you can inspect your model. Only after your confirmation that the model meets the Technical Specification, we proceed to ship it to your address.
Addressing Damaged Deliveries Our Commitment to your satisfaction
Despite our meticulous quality control measures, we acknowledge that unforeseen issues can arise during the delivery process. We fully understand the disappointment such situations can cause. In the event that your doll arrives damaged, we guarantee a swift resolution. We offer either a replacement for the damaged model or a refund, depending on the circumstances. We request your cooperation in promptly documenting any damage through photos or videos during the unpacking process. Our aim is to ensure that you receive the perfect doll you envisioned, and we remain committed to providing you with the best possible experience, even when challenges arise. For more information on our Returns Policy, please refer to the details provided on our website.