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Doll Authenticity

The sex doll market is, to put it mildly, flooded with fakes. It’s like the wild west, second only to the clothing industry in terms of counterfeiting. Just about every well-known brand of doll has its own knock-off version, often with several clones on the market. While many of these imitations are easy to spot, some are so expertly crafted that distinguishing them from the genuine article is no small feat. This article is your guide to identifying these counterfeits and finding an authentic model.

So, why bother with an original in the first place? What's the harm in a fake? To cut a long story short, the difference is night and day. Counterfeiters aim to produce copies as cheaply as possible to undercut the original manufacturer while maximising their own profit. They skimp on everything: quality materials, the skeleton's metal framework, skilled staff, you name it.

Such a doll is often a pale imitation of the original and is simply of shoddy quality. Imagine cheap TPE, moulded from a bucket instead of professional machinery. It feels entirely fake and, worse still, will start wearing out within months, if not weeks. That's because, in addition to skimping on the TPE material itself, counterfeiters also use inferior oils in its composition.

Detailing and craftsmanship? Forget about it. The makeup and shading look as if they've been slapped on, nipples are painted with all the care of a toddler with a crayon, and intimate areas are frequently overlooked entirely.

But above all, these dolls can be downright DANGEROUS. Counterfeit factories, often without so much as a proper name, operate without oversight or certification. Their dolls are haphazardly made from the cheapest possible materials which don't have anti-fungal properties, in deplorable conditions and without the slightest regard for safety. The toxic chemicals used are so noxious that just being in the same room as these dolls can be hazardous, let alone actually using them for their intended purpose. And don't even think about using the electrical enhancements; no one wants to set their house on fire by turning on a heating function assembled from Christmas lights.

For these reasons, we strongly caution against buying counterfeit models. With such a doll, you're simply not going to get a satisfying or authentic experience. In fact, you could be putting your health at risk.

Now, let's delve into how to spot these fakes and ensure that you're purchasing an original, quality model.

Always Insist on Non-Studio Photos and Videos

It's a fact we must face: imitation factories often use the original brands' photo shoots to market their products, but their replicas bear little resemblance to the real thing. Believe it or not, even genuine sex dolls can look different in person than they do in their stylised online images. The effects of professional lighting, photo enhancements, and the surrounding environment can all distort the appearance. Hence, if you're shopping for an authentic doll, always demand non-studio photos and videos. These will give you a clear, unvarnished look at exactly what you're buying.

Now, it's worth mentioning that some unscrupulous sellers might use genuine manufacturers' photographs to sell fakes. Sadly, this isn't rare. So, always favour those sellers who have their own non-studio snapshots of the actual products. Any reputable vendor, like us at Leeloo Dolls, for example, will have their own photos of the models they sell. We provide photos taken both at the factory and at our local warehouse in London. We do this to reassure our customers of our dolls' quality and to confirm that they are indeed the real deal.

In Conclusion:

  • Always ask for non-studio photos and videos.
  • Never make a purchase if the seller can't provide these.
  • Opt for vendors with their own original content.
  • Choose sellers who conduct their photo shoots in-house rather than those using easily stolen factory images.

Remember, a counterfeit will often be glaringly different from the glossy professional photographs. You might even come across sellers of fakes who will try to convince you that their counterfeit model is the genuine thing. They might say things like:

  • "The professional lighting alters the appearance, but this is really how it looks."
  • "The professional photos were enhanced in Photoshop, that's why it looks different."
  • "These photos are a newer version; it's even better than the original."
  • "It's just a different height and body; that's why it looks different."

Why do they do this? The answer is simple. These imitation factories can only approximate the original design, and the cheaper they make it, the more it will differ from the real thing.

So be savvy, be informed, and don't be taken in by clever marketing or persuasive sales talk. Always insist on seeing the real thing, and you won't be disappointed.

How to Tell a Genuine from a Fake: A Handy Guide

Remember this golden rule:

All dolls are created using unique moulds. Genuine manufacturers guard these moulds like family heirlooms – they're never passed to others. So, dodgy imitation factories have to take a guess at recreating them, and no matter how high-end the knock-off may appear, it'll always bear tell-tale differences from the real deal.

Here's a checklist to spot if that photograph showcases a genuine article or a sly imitation:

  1. Start with the Basics: Inspect the face and body's overall look before diving into the nitty-gritty. If it's as fake as a £3 note, you'll spot it right away.
  2. Mind the Eyes and Wig: Remember, these might differ due to customisation options, so don't get thrown off the scent here. Look beyond these to the more fixed features.
  3. Check the Nose - Especially the Nostrils: Counterfeit manufacturers often overlook the finer points, so keep your eyes peeled here. If the nostrils look off, you might be onto something.
  4. Look at the Lips: If the lips in the professional shots are slightly parted, they will be in the amateur snaps as well. If they're not, alarm bells should be ringing.
  5. Give the Breasts a Once-Over: If they don’t match the ones in the glamour shots, something's fishy. Lighting and retouching are no excuse; don't let anyone pull the wool over your eyes.
  6. Assess the Wig: If it looks like something you'd buy in a fancy dress shop, steer clear.
  7. Don’t Overlook the Hands and Fingers: Original manufacturers often take pride in these details, so if you spot a good likeness here, you might be on the right track.

In the end, if you're considering splashing the cash on a doll, make sure you don't get taken for a ride. Inspect the photos, trust your instincts, and if it doesn't look right, it probably isn't. Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it likely is. There's no substitute for authenticity, and your sharp eye can save you from falling for a lemon. Happy hunting!

Buy from Trustworthy Vendors

It might sound like common sense, but it's worth saying again: always buy from reputable vendors. These chaps care about quality and are dead set on making sure you get the genuine model you've ordered. After all, their reputation is on the line. Let's dig into how to spot a trustworthy seller, shall we?

How to Tell a Quality Vendor from a Dodgy Reseller:

  • Company Registered in the Selling Country (UK, EU): If they're registered in the same country they do business, you can bet they'll take full responsibility for their products. But if they're registered somewhere like China, well, they might slip through the cracks of your local law.
  • Lots of Content: A quality vendor will keep their website and social media buzzing with fresh content, blogs, photos, and videos. A fly-by-night operator won't put in the effort.
  • Spot-On Branding: You can tell a quality vendor by their slick branding, from their website to their photos. Unscrupulous sellers won't even bother.

Also, reputable vendors can direct you to official services to check your doll's authenticity. Some even give unique codes to verify it on their official site.

Irontechdoll: Link to check doll authenticity

WM Dolls: Link to check doll authenticity

In a nutshell, spotting a shady seller and fake dolls isn't all that hard. Just follow the guidelines and checklists in this article, and you'll be on the safe side.

If you find yourself in a pickle or just have a question, don't hesitate to drop a line to our manager. They're always around to lend a hand.

Get in Touch

So there you have it. Stick with the vendors you can trust, and you won't go wrong. Happy shopping!

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