Why You Can't Just Change the Breast or Hip Size of a Doll

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I like the doll, but I wish I could increase its breast size

This is one of the most frequent requests from clients. We'll answer straight away: no, it's not possible to alter specific body measurements of the doll.

But why? We've decided to explain in detail, which is why we've written this article.

Why Can't Specific Body Measurements Be Altered

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The answer lies in the doll manufacturing process, which can be divided into two main stages: casting and post-processing. It's during the first stage that the body shape of the doll is set.

How It Happens

A pre-prepared mold, made from a 3D model of the doll, is filled with molten material. Once cooled, a "naked blank" is formed. Details (wrinkles, shadows, fine detailing) are added by artists and sculptors during the post-processing stage.

Thus, altering the body shape can only be achieved by creating a new 3D model and a new mold for casting.

So, why not just do that?

Simply because it's very, very expensive. An average sex doll factory produces about 1,000 dolls a month. This is a well-oiled, continuously operating assembly line. It's a factory running five shifts, 24/7, churning out sex dolls.

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The assembly line ensures all processes are streamlined, employees know exactly what to do, making the dolls high-quality and, importantly, relatively inexpensive for the manufacturer.

Now, imagine you wanted to make, for example, a slightly larger breast size for your doll? A new 3D model needs to be made, a new mold has to be ordered from another manufacturer, and an ENTIRE production line has to be dedicated to your project. Workers from the streamlined production lines would need to be reassigned to your new project.

Just think about how much the factory would spend on such a doll? And now imagine how much it would cost you? Therefore, it's simply not feasible.

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What if I like the face but want to slightly change the body?

Fortunately, you're not the first to wish for some alterations to the body. Therefore, manufacturers offer dozens of different bodies, varying not just in height but also in body shape.

So, it's possible to find a body that meets your specifications. Our managers can assist you in choosing the right body shape.

Contact us in any way convenient for you, and we'll help you select the appropriate body shapes.

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