How to Remove and Replace a Doll's Head

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This is a truly important topic. But before we discuss it, let's answer a logical question that arises:

Why would you need to change a doll's head?

There are two possible reasons:

Reason #1
You really like the doll's face, but not the body. For example, it has too large a chest, and you want a smaller one.

In this case, it is impossible to simply change the breast size (or any other body parameter), as the body shape for the vast majority of brands depends on the body type (height). So to change the breast size, you need to choose a different body. And this is where the ability to detach the head and fit it to any other body (within the same brand) comes in handy.

By the way, this is a broad topic. If you want to read more about it, we have written a separate article on this. You can read it by clicking here

Reason #2
You already have a doll, and you want some variety.

This is simpler—you can either order another doll entirely or order a second head for your existing doll. A new face is essentially a new doll.

Even if you don't need to change the head, whether at the factory or at home, you will still have to remove it at some point. 

At the very least, to make storage easier, apply makeup, or clean it from dust (which happens occasionally). Therefore, familiarising yourself with this guide will be useful.

How the Head is Attached to the Body

Let's quickly explain how the head is attached to the body. For 99.9% of dolls, the attachment is as follows:

The external part is an extension of the skeleton, ending in the neck.

The internal part "protrudes" from the base of the head.

By connecting both parts, we get a whole doll. Because the external part is hidden by the neck, the connection itself is invisible. There remains only a "seam," which is placed right where a person's jaw is, so it looks realistic.

About the connections. There are two types

  1. Threaded
    The most common connection, installed by default on any doll. Different brands vary only in the quality of execution. The most reliable "old-school" method. Such a head will be fully functional—it turns easily in different directions, does not wobble, and will not come off during use.
  2. "Quick-release"
    This cannot be called an "improved" connection. It does not provide a greater range of motion or any other advantages. The only thing is that it is easier and quicker to remove such a head. But this is strictly necessary only for clients who use dolls as mannequins in a store or as a drawing model.

How to Remove the Head

This is simple and quick. It can be done in one sentence, but for easier understanding, we've broken it down into steps.

  • Step 1
    Sit your sex doll down or lay it down in such a way that the head is hanging off.
  • Step 2
    Remove the wig from the doll. If the hair is implanted, carefully tie it back so it doesn't get in the way.
  • Step 3
    Carefully grasp the head around the ear area. Do not grab the doll's face, especially where there is makeup.
  • Step 4
    Turn the head counterclockwise to loosen the connection. Usually, you need to turn it several times. Once you feel the head detach, simply remove it.

For models with a quick-release connection, do the same thing, but instead of unscrewing, just gently pull the head upwards. The head will detach on its own.

How to Attach the Head

The same steps, just in reverse order. One thing to highlight: when you start screwing the head on, carefully find the slot.

Yes, reputable brands don't skimp on metal, but still, try not to damage the thread.

Important Things to Know Before Removing the Head

What you can and cannot do:

❌ Holding the head by the face

✅ Holding the head around the ears (just don't pull by the ears)

If you grab the face, you can easily damage the makeup, accidentally remove the eyes along with a piece of TPE or silicone, and rip out the eyebrows. So remember: don't grab where you can damage something. Instead, hold the head around the ear area. If you don't pull by the ears themselves (which is silly, to be honest), you won't tear or damage anything.

❌ Pulling by the hair

✅ Remove the wig in advance

If you pull the head by the hair, you can simply ruin the wig. Or worse, the hair could get caught in the connection, and you'll have to cut it to free the doll's head. So, remove the wig before removing the head.

❌ Placing the head anywhere

✅ Prepare a clean and safe place in advance

If you place the removed head on a dusty blanket, the doll's head will become just as dusty almost instantly. So, if you don't want to wash the doll's face afterward (and this is quite a process, as it needs to be done very carefully), prepare a clean place in advance where you'll place the removed head.

❌ If it’s hard to remove, apply more force

✅ If it’s hard to remove, check for mistakes

If you keep turning but the head doesn't unscrew, then in 100% of cases, you've done something wrong. And since the process of removing and attaching the head is extremely simple, the mistake is almost always the same—you’re turning it in the wrong direction. 

Yes, it's silly. No, you don't need to be embarrassed. None of us are wind-up robots (yet), we are human, and humans can easily "mess up." We've been removing dolls in our office almost every week for 6 years now. And even now, we sometimes turn it the wrong way.

❌ Leaving the connection wet or damp

✅ Make sure everything is dry

This is metal, folks. It rusts. So don't let the connections stay wet. Otherwise, you'll have to use the head separately from the body—it simply won't attach.

Is there a problem that's not described here? Then feel free to write to us. All our clients receive lifetime consultation on any issues. And if you bought a doll elsewhere, still write to us—we'll help you, and it will be a good deed for us.

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