How to Properly Unpack Your Doll

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You've just received your doll from the courier. Congratulations on your purchase, and we thank you for trusting our store. But before you start unpacking your doll, we strongly recommend that you read this guide. It will help you to unpack the model correctly, check for any damage, and prepare it for its first use.

Step 1 | Unpacking and Checking

Inspecting the Box

Once the courier has delivered your order, immediately take a photograph of the box. If you notice any signs of damage, make sure to document them. It's worth noting that any damage to the box doesn't necessarily mean the doll inside is damaged, thanks to the additional protective frame inside.

Removing the Model from the Box

Carefully open the box. You can use scissors or a utility knife to cut the tape. It's important not to insert them too deeply (no more than 0.5 cm) to avoid cutting your doll. Once you've opened the top lid of the box, remove the safety frame (airbags or styrofoam), the head, the accessory set, wigs, and other items. Afterwards, pick up the model with both hands: one above the waist and the other below the hips.

This is the safest way to handle the doll. Irontechdoll has created an instructional video; please have a look:

Do not lift the doll by its arms or legs, as this could damage its extremities. If upon opening the box you discover any damage, dirt, or water, please record a detailed video.

Checking the Doll

Once you've unpacked the doll, examine it carefully from all angles. Inspect the surface material for any signs of damage. Gently move the doll's limbs, ensuring that the joints are flexible and correctly positioned.

If you notice any damages, please record a detailed video so we can assist you further.

To remove them, you will need:

  • An irrigator (Included with every doll)
  • Water
  • Antibacterial soap
  • Talcum powder (Baby powder)
  • Soft sponge
  • Soft towel (Microfibre)

Both silicone and TPE can be damaged by excessive rubbing, or using a very rough cloth or sponge. Bear this in mind when caring for your doll.

  1. Prepare a solution of antibacterial soap and warm (not hot) water.
  2. Using this solution and a soft cloth, gently wash the doll's body. Avoid putting too much pressure on the doll's surface, so the material doesn't get damaged by the internal metal skeleton.
  3. Afterwards, using a fresh cloth, dampen the doll's surface with plain water and rinse off the soap residue.
  4. Avoid getting water on the doll's neck. There's a metal joint there which is highly susceptible to rust. If water does get there, immediately dry the area thoroughly to ensure no moisture remains.

Cleaning the Doll's Love Holes:

  1. Position the doll in a bathtub or place a towel underneath its buttocks to catch any runoff water.
  2. Using a pump and soapy water, thoroughly clean the intimate orifices. You can also use other solutions suitable for intimate care. Natural-based soaps (like baby soap) work best.
  3. With a soft cloth, thoroughly dry any moisture inside the doll. It's crucial to leave no water inside, as this could adversely affect your health. Moisture can be a breeding ground for bacteria.
  4. After washing, we recommend inserting a regular feminine tampon into the doll's orifices to absorb moisture. This can significantly extend the product's lifespan.

Drying the Doll

  1. Lay the sex doll on a soft towel and gently pat dry with a clean, soft cotton cloth, allowing the skin to fully air dry. Do not use a rough sponge/brush or steel wool, as this could cause damage.
  2. After drying, apply talcum powder to the sex doll to protect the skin and prevent damage from friction. Do not apply talc while the doll is still damp. Dust your doll with talc every two weeks or at least once a month.

After these steps, your doll is ready for its first use. Please always adhere to all care guidelines for your doll.

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