The Ultimate Guide to Sex Doll Skeletons

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In this guide, we'll delve into what a realistic sex doll skeleton is, how it's constructed, the different types available, and how to choose the right one.

What is a Sex Doll Skeleton?

It's the foundation of any realistic sex doll, without which it would be just a jelly-like lump of silicone or TPE. The skeleton is what allows the doll to hold stable poses. Without it, the doll wouldn't be able to pose at all.

So, it's essential to pay close attention to the choice of the skeleton. It's a very important part of the doll and a crucial part of the sex doll selection process.

To begin, what is the human skeleton? That is, a living human made of flesh and blood. It consists of 206 bones and over 600 ligaments. Thanks to these and the muscles attached to them, a person can stand, sit, lie down, and, of course, take different positions during sex.

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Does all this need to be replicated in a sex doll? Not at all.

  • Firstly, it would be extremely expensive. Absurdly expensive.
  • Secondly, the bones in a sex doll do not heal if they are "injured." So if such a structure falls, the bones will be permanently broken.
  • Thirdly, it's simply unnecessary. An ordinary sex doll skeleton can handle any pose.

How a Sex Doll Skeleton is Constructed

Typically, such a skeleton is made of metal or plastic (the latter is highly not recommended due to its fragility and short lifespan).

Like a human skeleton, a sex doll skeleton consists of two types of components:

  1. "Bones" - metal tubes.
  2. "Joints" - movable connections that allow the doll to move its limbs and take poses.
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All types of skeletons (and there are many) consist of these components.

So, what's the difference between these types?

The use of these components and their quantity. Let's go into detail about the different types of sex doll skeletons.

Standard Skeleton

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This is the simplest type of skeleton. All manufacturers have this type of skeleton, and it's usually installed in all dolls by default. 

The production of such a skeleton is an extremely simple technological process that requires the factory to do just two things: order the components and simply weld them together according to the instructions. 

And that's it, the skeleton is ready. Because of its low cost and simplicity, it is most commonly found in counterfeit models.

What this skeleton can do:

Not much, actually. It's a standard set of the most basic movements and poses. Movements using the head, arms, waist, and legs. A doll with this skeleton can move its head/arms/legs, sometimes rotate its head, and bend forward, backward, left, and right.

What this skeleton can't do:

Any more complex movements. Specifically: torso twists, limb bending beyond 90 degrees, complex head turns, shoulder lifts. So forget about truly realistic movements and especially unconventional sex positions.


A sex doll with this skeleton can stand independently and take basic poses. But if you want smooth movements, realistic doll poses, and especially unconventional positions (splits, doggy style with a deep arch in the back, etc.), you should consider more advanced skeleton types.

Upgraded Skeleton (EVO / EXP / Flexi / Yoga, etc.)

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Most brands call this type of skeleton EVO (from the word "evolution"), but names like "Flexi," "Yoga," or "EXP" are also common, such as with the Zelex brand.

Zelex, by the way, has both regular EVO and EXP. So their EXP is an evolution of the already evolved EVO. Confusing? Don't think too much about it. In fact, it's just marketing.

Regardless of the name, all these skeletons have one thing in common—they are improved versions of standard skeletons. And they are significantly improved.

What this skeleton can do:

Sex dolls with this skeleton have a much wider range of possible movements.

All the joints in the body bend more smoothly and allow for a greater angle of bending than the joints in a standard skeleton.

New joints are added, allowing the doll to take more possible poses. For example, shoulder joints that let the doll raise its shoulders.

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What this skeleton can't do:

Except for walking on its own, this skeleton can do everything you need. A doll with this skeleton can even do yoga, sit in the lotus position, and show off the flexibility skills of North Korean gymnasts when Kim Jong Un is watching.

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Always choose this type of skeleton. Especially since it is relatively inexpensive but offers many advantages.

The EVO skeleton does not include improved fingers for your model. This is a separate upgrade.

Standard Skeleton VS Upgraded Skeleton

When comparing these two options, the clear winner is the upgraded skeleton in every aspect. Therefore, we highly recommend choosing it when purchasing a doll.

The names of improved skeletons across different brands:


Sex Doll Brand          Name
Irontech Doll          EVO-Skeleton
Zelex          EXP-Skeleton
Starpery          Gear Skeleton
FunWest Doll          EVO-Skeleton
WM Doll          EVO-Skeleton
JK Doll          EVO-Skeleton
AngelKiss Doll          EVO-Skeleton
Real Lady          EVO-Skeleton
Elsa Babe          EVO-Skeleton
YL Doll          EVO-Skeleton
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