Choosing Clothing for a Sex Doll

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No matter how technologically advanced and realistic a sex doll might be, at its core, it remains a doll. And what's the most important aspect of any doll? Its outfit. Selecting looks, dressing it up, changing its styles – this forms the foundation of playing with any doll, including those that are the most realistic and technologically advanced.

Therefore, in response to the popular question "can you dress up a sex doll?" the answer is unequivocally yes, and what's more, it's encouraged.

How do you choose clothing for a sex doll? What can you dress it in?

Pretty much anything. Costumes, dresses, stockings, tights, lace lingerie, sportswear, skirts, and trousers. Almost any clothing that suits a living girl will also be suitable for the doll. Your only limits are your imagination and a few simple, yet mandatory rules. We'll discuss these in detail in this article.

What Not to Do:

  • Avoid using overly tight clothing, such as leggings and jeans that are too snug. Tight clothing can deform the doll's material.
  • Stay away from garments with metal elements, sharp fastenings, and zippers.
  • Never dress the doll in cheap, easily dye-transferring clothes. Always remember that the doll's material can absorb dyes easily and deteriorate quickly from contact with dye-transferring fabrics.

What You Should Do:

  • Always wash any clothes before putting them on the doll. No matter the quality of the garment, it can still potentially dye the doll's skin.
  • Before dressing the doll, apply talcum powder to its skin surface. This helps prevent chafing.
  • If you plan to keep the doll dressed for an extended period, ensure that the clothing is loose-fitting. It shouldn't constrict the doll's skin or put undue pressure on any parts of the body. We recommend keeping the doll undressed. However, if you must store it clothed, light dresses or nightgowns are best.
  • Before putting shoes on the doll, make sure to put socks or footlets on its feet. We have a separate article dedicated to sex doll footwear. You can read it by following the link.

These are just some of the rules concerning only the doll's clothing. If you're interested in learning more about doll care, we have an extensive guide on the topic. Be sure to read it by following the link.

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